In an exclusive interview with 2024 Crow Fair Celebration Royalty, Four Points Press sat down with 2024 Miss Crow Nation Michaiah Pease and spoke about the different responsibilities of the queen and her court.
Four Points Press: How did you feel to be selected as Miss Crow Nation 2024?
Miss Crow Nation Michaiah Pease: Being selected as Miss Crow Nation 2024 was one of the biggest honors I could ask for. I was ecstatic when I heard my name announced as Miss Crow Nation. I honestly didn’t fully comprehend until the next day. It was a whirlwind of emotions that took me a while to come down from. I was excited, but I knew I had a lot of responsibilities ahead of me.
FPM: Was being Crow Fair Royalty something you ever considered in childhood?
Pease: I did consider being Crow Fair Royalty when I was younger, because I remember going to powwows and seeing them dancing at all of the events. I remember looking up to the previous Miss Crow Nations as a young girl, wishing I could dance and have outfits like them. Growing up, I began to put together my own outfits and make (my) dresses to be where I am today. I know that many of our youth don’t always have the support from their families to have outfits already made for them, so I want them to understand that it’s possible to make it themselves if they have the desire to dance.
2024 MCN Michaiah Pease
FPM: How do you see Miss Crow Nation and her title? What should Miss Crow Nation exemplify?
Pease: Miss Crow Nation represents the Crow Tribe, especially the youth. It’s a positive way to show our Crow culture to the public and (host) cultural events. Miss Crow Nation needs to exemplify respect. The foundation of our culture is respect, from our clan system to fundamental beliefs. Whoever holds this title is a role model for the youth, especially for young girls who look up to her. That on its own, is such a huge responsibility.
FPM: The Crow Fair Royalty has already made a few trips to some big name powwows. How was that experience? How did it feel to be the representative of the Apsáalooke People?
Pease: The experiences I had so far have been one-in-a-lifetime experiences. I’m glad that I have the chance to go to these events on behalf of the Crow Nation alongside the rest of the royalty that can also go. Morongo has to be the farthest powwow that I have attended thus far and can not wait to go to my next California powwow. I am honored to be able to represent at these powwows.
FPM: What are MCN plans for the winter season? Are there any big powwows that you or the other royalty plan to attend?
Pease: For the winter season, there are a few powwows I plan on being at the New Year’s powwow and any fundraisers that have yet to be planned. I’m looking at going to Pachanga Powwow in January and hoping to find more to go to if funding permits.
FPM: If there was one place you could go as MCN to dance or simply be Crow at, where would it be and why?
Pease: The one place I would like to go to as Miss Crow Nation would be the powwow that is held in Honolulu, Hawaii. I would like to showcase the Crow culture in a space where there’s a multitude of other cultures being presented. We are unique, and I would like to show that off when I can. However, this powwow was held in early September, so my attendance would depend on when the next pageant is held.
FPM: What do you hope to accomplish during your reign as MCN? What do you hope others bring to the MCN title?
Pease: While I hold the Miss Crow Nation title, I hope to be an honorable representation of the Crow tribe. I want to show our culture in spaces where Crows are not always seen or recognized. I want others to do the same. I want the next Miss Crow Nations to take advantage of this role in the best way possible and showcase our beautiful language and culture. Not every tribe is as fortunate as ours. We need to continue to learn and share with our younger generations what it means to be Apsáalooke and lift each other up to achieve that.