Lodge Grass High School announced their first semester honor roll with 70 students achieving high marks. Honor roll results are shown below:
12th grade: April Chavez; Gabrielle Falls Down; Lily Holloway; Kaycei Hugs; Kyla Hugs; Tessa Plainfeather; Chance Pretty On Top; Woodrow Pretty On Top; Vydel Ramos; Fawn Red Wolf; Dontia Stewart; Angelina Toineeta; George Toineeta; and Chester Turns Plenty, Jr.
11th grade: Belicia Big Day; Adraino Brien; Elecia Enemy Hunter; Miley Fighter; Silvia Fighter; Lizinyani Gentry; Jazmine Half; Lyric Kelly; Kiauna Kills Night; Nayola Lion Shows; Lucy Little Light; Myron Little Light; Triston Little Light; Dalray Little Nest; Laci Rides The Bear; Sienna Rides The Bear; Minerva Stewart; Angela Stump; Sean Turns Plenty; and Brocade Yarlott.
10th grade: Todd Amyotte, Jr.; Myron Backbone; Adryelle Bird; Tailee Bird; Kloe Cummins; James Dust, Jr.; Nathan Falls Down; Lahna Good Luck; Bodee Jefferson; Danielle Jefferson; Trotter Jefferson; Lamar Rides The Bear; Dana Spotted Horse; Bobby Stewart; Bailey Three Irons; and RaMyra White.
9th grade: Cheinah Bad Bear; Lawrence Bends; Lexyn Bouyer; Yvette Chief; Silas Cummins; Sydni Fitzpatrick; Zaylee Good Luck; Cheryl Gros Ventre; Jala Half; Tashanna Iron; Tawny Jefferson; Hunter Kindness; Jevany Laverdure; Nehemiah Nomee; My-ahlin Pretty On Top; Travis Reed, Jr.; Toby Stewart; Colt Takes Enemy; Francis White Hip; and Colvin Wyles.
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