Community meetings are scheduled this week for the next phase of the Crow Cultural Center and Museum project.
L ittle Big Horn College recently received a $1.943 million dollar grant from the Economic Development Administration for the next phase of the upcoming Little Big Horn College Center of Apsáalooke Culture & History facility. The meeting results will influence the final design, programming, engineering plans and the creation of construction documents.
The meetings are the last of the work necessary prior to construction. LBHC is still working on obtaining complete funding for construction.
Community meetings are scheduled as follows:
Tuesday, March 28 – One meeting at the Senior Center in Pryor at noon to 2 p.m.
Wednesday, March 29 – Three meetings Cultural Building at LBHC in Crow Agency from noon to 2 p.m. for elders with lunch provided; from 3 to 5 p.m. for LBHC students, faculty and staff with light refreshments; from 6 to 8 p.m. for community members with an evening meal. The evening meeting at LBHC will also be live streamed on Zoom and Facebook on the LBHC Library Archives page.
Thursday, March 30 – One meeting at the Lodge Grass Senior Center from noon to 2 p.m.
For questions, further information or the Zoom link, see Tim Bernardis at the LBHC library at (406) 638-3113, email him at, or by direct message him on Facebook Messenger.
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