Historian Dale Old Horn is this week's cultural enrichment speaker at Little Big Horn College.
Dale Old Horn will make a presentation on his ancestors Old Horn and Old Coyote at noon on Thursday, Feb. 1 in the Little Big Horn College Library Programs Room and online.
Dale Old Horn is the Emeritus/retired Professor and Department Head of Crow Studies of Little Big Horn College. He is the author of a number of books, including Music and Dance of the Crow Indians, Apsáalooke Social and Family Structure and Baaanniile (The Direction of the Path of the People).
Old Horn and Old Coyote were both members of the Lumpywood Warrior Society. They saw the transition of Crow life during the buffalo days to the early reservation days. They were both involved in the last intertribal fight in 1888 with the Lakota near the Big Horn River. They took up ranching during the reservation period.
To connect by Zoom, email Tim Bernardis at tim@lbhc.edu or message him on Facebook Messenger and, if approved, he will send you the link. Please make your request for the Zoom link ASAP.
The presentation can also be accessed on Facebook at Little Big Horn College Library/ Archives | Facebook.
Questions can be asked in person and on both Facebook and Zoom by posting your questions.
For more information, contact Tim Bernardis at tim@lbhc.edu or 406-638-3113 or send a message via Facebook Messenger.