Three fire crews were dispatched to the Crow Head Start Center in Crow Agency Sunday evening. / Photo by Luella Brien
Three fire crews were dispatched to the Crow Head Start Center Sunday evening.
Crow Bureau of Indian Affairs Forestry, Crow Tribal Volunteer Fire Department and Big Horn County Fire Department all responded to the blaze in the abandoned building, which started around 6:20 p.m.
The blaze at the Crow Head Start Center started some time after 6 p.m. Sunday evening. / Photo by Luella Brien
The building was previously condemned, so the water, electricity and gas were all disconnected, said Crow Tribal Chairman Frank Whiteclay.
Crow Tribe Chairman Frank Whiteclay watches as flames engulf the Crow Head Start Center. / Photo by Luella Brien
Crow crews will start clean up after the blaze goes out.
Traffic is blocked in front of the head start center and crowds are asked to keep their distance.
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